Thursday, September 30, 2010

Now, Every ORKUT user is familiar with “Bom Sabado” means “Good Saturday"

Yesterday as usual I was refreshing my mail, page refreshed and I saw a new mail is there in my INBOX with subject “orkut – “Friends Name”  left you a new scrap!” first I was surprised the friend who had scraped me this message, she does not scrap me frequently. Then curiously I opened my mail I saw “Bom Sabado”. In first look I just felt its some Bengali message because the message sender is having Bengali background and these two words looks like Bengali words. Again curiously I opened Google Translate and tried checking what does it means? And I got it’s a Portuguis greet “Good Saturday”.

My mind triggered and I was able to identify some thing is wrong here. Felt the need of Googling about the issue and got assured “I am not only the victim.” From few post in different websites I came to know about not logging in to ORKUT account till the time this problem ends and we get an official update on it. I checked with ORKUT official blog but I did not get any message out there. Just thinking ORKUT buddies does not want to make it clear that they have got attacked.

Buddies, my suggestions to all of you is, Just do not try to log-in and even logged in do not try to explore the issue till the time ORKUT confirms the solution of the problem. For updates on it Keep on checking ORKUT Announcement on it.

Buddies “Happy Orkutting!”

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